You don’t want to risk surprise fees from the IRS if your taxes are filed incorrectly. But you also want to make sure you don’t leave money on the table when it comes to your personal tax returns. You can reach out to Ginnett Zabala Accounting to get help filing your tax returns and make the process smooth and simple.
We’ll request an ITIN for you and help you fill out and file your returns. We’ll make the calculations carefully and make sure you’re taking advantage of every possible deduction so you get the best return possible.
Contact us today to go over your personal tax returns in Douglasville or Villa Rica, GA.
We also help people file joint tax returns. The process might be a little more complicated, but you won’t have to worry about a thing with a professional by your side. We’ll make sure you get through tax season quickly and easily so you can get your maximum return and breathe a sigh of relief.
Make an appointment to discuss your joint tax returns with our accountant when you contact us at 678-215-1544.